
chartscale .png.detail

1. What and Why

A. What can Chartscale-pi do

The plugin allows the user to zoom in and out by means of a slider.

chartscal last

B. Why can Chartscale-pi be useful

Normally you use the (+) and (-) buttons or the scroll-wheel of your mouse for zooning in and out. But maybe you prefer tou use a slider. The position of the slider (far left, far right or somewhere in between) gives you a direct indication of the zoom-status.

2. Installation

A. Where to get this plugin

The github repository is:

ChartScale-pi for Windows can be downloaded from this location:
[|Chartscale Executable]]
Click on the most recent to download.

B. How to install this plugin

Double-click the downloaded file (with “chartscale_pi” in the name and “.exe” as extension) and follow the set-up instructions.
That’s it.

Open (or restart) OpenCPN.
Click Tools-Options-Plugins
Scroll down untill you see the ChartScale-pi.

Click “Enable” to enable the plugin and then “Preferences” to set your preferences (should be self-explanatory).

chartscale preferences

Click “OK” in the Chart Scale Preferences window and then “OK” in the Plugins-window.

Now the Chart Scale slider should appear on your screen.

In this example the slider-button is to the far left. That means “zoom in as far as possible”.

chartscale all in

And in this example the slider-button is to the far right. That means “zoom out as far as possible”.

chartscale all out

3. Standard Actions

What are basic (standard) actions you have to do to make ChartScale-pi work.

Well, that is quite simple. Click on the slider-bar. Click left of the slider-button to zoom in…

chartscale left of

And click right of the slider-button to zoom out.

chartscale right of

Click “Last” to zoom back to the zoom-factor that was last used.

chartscal last