DashT - Race, Engine/Energy, Signal K, Database, Line Graphs

Enhanced replacement of Dashboard and Tactics plug-ins for OpenCPN v5.2 or greater. All Dashboard and Tactics instruments are included within the same plug-in, no need to swap. The combination of network connectivity processing threads, enhanced Tactics originated numerical algorithms and the usage of latest web-development techniques allow DashT to provide, in addition these great functions:

  • Tactics instruments and regatta/race processor has been improved, follow the link for details. To mention a few improvements:

  • Average Wind Instrument has a background thread which distributes the same information to all other instruments, such as the below Race assistant instruments. For that purpose it provides a short term and long term integration of the average wind, making it more suitable for different race configurations.The instrument itself has been modified accordingly:

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  • A new Tactics instrument which may interest also cruisers is the registering odometer (i.e. an odograph) which has also two independent trip counters, one of which is persistent.

https 3a 2f 2flive.staticflickr.com 2f65535 2f50666410606 e784884581 n
Start Line] training assistance with Zero Burn, laylines, marker
dropping, favoured marker indicator, etc.
https 3a 2f 2flive.staticflickr.com 2f65535 2f50403282303 9db99bc9b6 n
  • Race Mark - your training assistance for windward/leeward races with ladder rungs, decision assistance for lifts/headers and a peek to next legs

https 3a 2f 2flive.staticflickr.com 2f65535 2f50403987036 6c3aa55d87
  • Rolling back every single detail of your race or training data or even long term cruising collected into InfluxDB v2.0 time series database - comes with helper scripts!

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https 3a 2f 2flive.staticflickr.com 2f65535 2f50404026376 b9683b31d0 w

Documentation: DashT@readthedocs.io

Github Account: Dashboard-Tactics_pi

Cruisers Forum Dashboard-Tactics Thread

Download: LatestStable / betareleases (Click on Assets tab to expand, select your platform’s installer)